Bishop to honor members of law enforcement
Men and women of law enforcement to be honored at Cathedral “Blue Mass” Oct. 19
Most Rev. Matthew H. Clark, bishop of Rochester, will preside at the annual “Blue Mass” for members of law enforcement in the Greater Rochester-Monroe County area on Sunday, Oct. 19, 2008, at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The Mass will begin at 11:15 a.m. All are welcome.
Representatives from local, state and federal law enforcement agencies throughout our community will attend the Mass.
Sacred Heart Cathedral is located at 296 Flower City Park, between Dewey and Lake avenues, in Rochester.
“We offer this Mass to pray for God’s continued blessings and guidance on the brave and selfless men and women who serve our larger community through their daily work in our law enforcement agencies and correctional facilities,” Bishop Clark said. “They make our community a better, safer place to live.”