Office of Safe Environment

Tammy Sylvester
Director of Safe Environment Education and Compliance
Diocesan Director of Human Resources
585-328-3228, ext. 1252


Update on Safe Environment Efforts


In accordance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People promulgated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in 2002 and revised in 2018; all Volunteers, Employees (including: Clergy, Seminarians, Deacons, Woman Religious and Lay Employees) who work or volunteer in the Diocese of Rochester and its affiliated employers must complete MANDATORY training: Creating a Safe Environment Training (CASE – Volunteers), Safe Environment Training (SE – Employees), acknowledge the appropriate (Volunteer or Employee) Code of Conduct, and complete a Background Check prior to volunteer service or working within the Diocese.  These must be renewed every 3 years.

Background Check Adverse Findings will be reviewed by the Safe Environment Office.


  • CASE Volunteer Policy (PDF) [ English | Spanish ]
  • Background Check Authorization and Notification Form (PDF) [ English | Spanish ]
  • Volunteer Driver Policy (PDF) [ English | Spanish ]
  • Volunteer Driver Form (PDF) [ English | Spanish ]
  • Volunteer Code of Conduct for Adults (PDF) [ English | Spanish ]
  • Volunteer Code of Conduct for Minors (PDF) [ English | Spanish ]
  • CASE Online Training Instructions for Adults (PDF) [ English | Spanish ]
  • CASE Volunteer Training Instructions for Minors (PDF) [ English | Spanish ]

Employees (including: Clergy, Seminarians, Deacons, Woman Religious, and Lay Employees)

Safe Environment Communications Policy

Resources for Parents