Brighton parish begins monthly Mass for first-responders
October 29, 2014
Our Lady Queen of Peace begins monthly Mass for first-responders
Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Brighton has begun a monthly Mass offered for all of the area’s fire, ambulance, police and other emergency personnel. The Mass for first-responders will be held the first Tuesday of every month at 7 a.m. — a convenient time for first-responders getting off an overnight shift and those about to begin their day shift.
“At the Mass, we ask God to uphold and protect these extraordinary men and women who go out there every day and risk all for our community’s safety,” said Margaret Ostromecki, pastoral administrator of the parish, located at 601 Edgewood Drive. “After the Mass, and thanks to the generosity of our nearby Starbucks and Bagel Land, the men and women attending can enjoy a cup of coffee and a bagel.”