Deacon Information Session Dec. 9
November 25, 2014
7:00 PM Tuesday December 9, Bishop Hickey Conference Center, 1150 Buffalo Road (Pastoral Center rear entrance and parking).
We will provide an overview of the 5 year application and formation process and the time commitment involved and answer questions about ongoing ministry.
An eligible applicant for permanent deacon formation is a man of strong and active faith who can demonstrate a record of service in the communities in which he lives, works and worships.
He must be at least 35 years of age and no more than 62 years of age at the time of ordination, in good health, emotionally mature and stable in his professional and personal relationships.
Applicants may be single or married. Interested men and their wives are encouraged to attend. For more information please contact Deacon John Brasley, Director of Deacon Personnel & Director of Deacon Formation, Diocese of Rochester, 585.328.3228 or