Diocese of Rochester Priest Placed on Administrative Leave

February 24, 2019

The Reverend Robert Gaudio, pastor of St. Christopher Church in North Chili, has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation into a recently received complaint of sexual misconduct with a minor, which is alleged to have occurred in the 1970s.

Fr. Gaudio vehemently denies the allegation, indicating “I never did this.” No other previous allegations of sexual abuse of a minor have ever been received against Father Gaudio.

During the administrative leave, Father Gaudio cannot engage in any public ministry.

Father Gaudio was ordained in 1974. Before serving at St. Christopher’s, he previously served at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Brockport, St. Alphonsus Church in Auburn, St. Andrew Church in Rochester, Holy Name of Jesus Church in Greece, St. Monica Church in Rochester, and St. Ann Church in Palmyra concurrent with ministry at St. Gregory Church in Marion.

Father Edward Palumbos has been appointed temporary administrator of St. Christopher’s.

Victims of abuse should always report to the civil authorities. To report a case of possible sexual abuse and to receive help and guidance from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, victims are encouraged to contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator, Deborah A. Housel, at (585) 328-3228, ext. 1555 (toll-free 1-800-388-7177, ext. 1555) or by e-mail to .

Diocese of Rochester Safe Environment Initiatives