Fr. Rosica, Vatican spokesman, to speak here April 13

April 3, 2013

Pope Francis and Father Thomas Rosica, C.S.B.
Father Thomas Rosica, C.S.B.
Assistant Spokesperson for the Vatican
to speak at
Peace of Christ Parish’s St. Ambrose Church
25 Empire Boulevard at Culver Road
Saturday, April 13th at 2:00 P.M.

Father Thomas Rosica, C.S.B., native son of Peace of Christ Parish’s St.
Ambrose Church, will speak at St. Ambrose Church in Rochester on
Saturday, April 13, 2013 at 2:00 P.M. on his recent experience as Assistant
Spokesperson for the Vatican with particular responsibility for the English
and French language media during the transitional time from the retirement
of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI through the Inaugural Mass of Pope Francis.
During this time, he stayed at the Jesuit Generalate just down the block from
the Vatican—a fortunate coincidence since it was a Jesuit who was elected
to be pope. In the course of that month, he did some 160 interviews with the
major television networks, newspapers, and radio services of the world in
English, French, Italian, German and Spanish.

Fr. Rosica is currently the head of Canada’s Salt and Light Television
Network which serves Canada’s Catholic population much as EWTN serve’s
that in the United States. Though not on our American cable services it can
be watched on line at: