Service of hope and healing for the opioid crisis Sept. 14
Our Mother of Sorrows Church in Greece will hold a special community Service of Hope and Healing for the Opioid Epidemic on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
The service, to be celebrated by the Very Reverend William G. Coffas, pastor of the church at 5000 Mt. Read Blvd., is free and open to people of all faiths.
“It is our hope and prayer that we can bring the community together to pray for solutions and an end to this societal scourge that has tragically harmed so many people,” Father Coffas said. “All are welcome to join us as we pray the Psalms and celebrate Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and ask our good and gracious God for help.”
A reception with light refreshments in the parish hall will follow the service.
For more information, call (585) 663-5432, visit or Facebook: Mother of Sorrows.