Fr. Jesus Flores
Diocesan Coordinator
585-328-3210, ext. 1354
Jorge Salgado
NW Monroe County
Luci Romero
Wayne County
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Sr. Kay Schwenzer
Ontario/Yates Counties
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Our Mission
We, the Hispanic community of the Diocese of Rochester, commit ourselves to:
- proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God;
- celebrate the Eucharist which call us together in community, nurtures our faith, and sends us in mission;
- actively participate in civic and ecclesial life by sharing our traditions, gifts, and values.
Core Values
We form communities that live in fraternity and foster the dignity of the family and a passion for life.
We live a deep experience of faith and an authentic spirituality, inspired by the witness of our Catholic Hispanic culture.
In the spirit of mission, we seek to reach out to those who are alienated, poor and marginalized.
Unity in Diversity
We value the great and rich diversity of our local church, working together in shaping an inclusive Church.
The Eucharist nurtures us and strengthens our vocation to be leaven of the Kingdom of God.
Migrant Ministry
Catholic Migrant Ministry is rooted in the church’s teaching that we all are sisters and brothers. It seeks to build up migrant workers as people of faith. It also fosters a mutual sharing of gifts, both material and spiritual, between all migrant workers and the other faith communities of the Diocese of Rochester.
Through our Migrant Ministry efforts, we embrace the growing number of migrants, actively reach out to identify their needs, provide support for their faith formation, promote community, solidarity and justice, and offer support in crisis situations.
Quick Facts
- Twenty thousand migrant workers labor in our fields, dairy farms, factories, greenhouses, and restaurants.
- Migrant workers have been coming in to our diocese from Mexico, Central and South America in increasing numbers.
- The majority of migrant workers are Catholic.
- The diocese has initiated mission sites in Sodus, Geneva, Brockport and Mt. Morris to support migrant workers.
- Full and part-time ministers are serving the camps throughout our 12 counties.
Recommended Resources
- 2014 Hispanic Pastoral Plan Progress Report (English) (Spanish)
- Diocesan Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry (English) (Español)
- USCCB Subcommittee on Hispanic/Latino Affairs
- National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry
- National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM)
- Radio Maria USA
- Mexican American Catholic College
- Instituto Fe y Vida
- La Red de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana
- OYE! Magazine
- National Council of La Raza
- National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials