2024 Diocesan Census



The Diocese of Rochester is conducting a Census Campaign across all its parishes and faith communities to gather current information from parishioners in order to strengthen pastoral care, stewardship and communication efforts.

There will be a variety of opportunities to learn about and participate in the Census through your parish. Click here to learn when your parish/faith community is conducting its Census Campaign. You can also expect to receive information about the Census through diocesan mailings during the fall and winter months.

The easiest way to participate in the Census is to complete the online form.

If you prefer to complete a paper form, click here for a PDF to print out. After completing this form, you may return it to your parish.

The information gathered through the Census will be used solely by the Diocese of Rochester and its parishes/faith communities, and will be treated with confidentiality and respect. It will not be sold to third-party vendors.